Dr. Shirley M. Canniff, M.ED/ DIV
Dr. Shirley M. Canniff
is the Founder and Director of the JC Multi-Media Group of Greater Boston. She
had her first encounter with the Holy Spirit in 1986 through the Catholic Charismatic Movement of the Roman Catholic Church.
After many trials and tribulations, Dr. Canniff, heard the call of the Lord to sell all that she had and follow Him.
Dr. Canniff found the call perplexing because she had few material possessions but was rich in education and faith in
God. As she gave it all back to the Lord, He multiplied it in ways that she never imagined.
Shirley M. Canniff, M.Ed./Div received her Bachelor’s of Science degree in Psychology from Worcester State College Worcester, Massachusetts in June of 1983. A
transfer student of the College of the Holy Cross in Worcester, Massachusetts, Dr. Shirley Canniff spent three years receiving intensive training in Counseling Psychology in hopes of understanding the human person.
Little did she know that the Lord would redeem the secular knowledge that she had acquired for the Kingdom of God.
to Dr. Canniff’s acceptance to Bridgewater State College Graduate School, she made a pilgrimage to Jerusalem in October
of 1987 during the Jewish Feast of Succot to visit the late Ruth Ward Heflin at the Mt. Zion Fellowship.
While at the Wailing Wall, Dr. Canniff cried out to the Lord and asked Him to open the door if it was His will for her to
resume her Graduate Studies of Counseling at Bridgewater State College. After returning to the States, Dr. Canniff received a call from the Dean
of Graduate School of Bridgewater
State College offering her a full time scholarship and Graduate Assistantship and acceptance
into the first Masters of Education Degree Counseling program to be offered at Bridgewater State College.
For three years Shirley served her Dean and her fellow graduate students
as assistant to the admission's counselor of the Bridgewater
State College Graduate School. Shirley's duties consisted of assisting prospective Graduate
Students through the admission process. The Dean informed Shirley that she would be helping many people in her life
due to her gift of servitude.. The rest is "HISTORY" ( HIS STORY ).
In 1989, Dr. Shirley M. Canniff received training for the Master's of Education Degree in Counseling. As she
was undergoing her studies at Bridgewater, Dr. Canniff felt
a burning desire to preach the Gospel and to prepare people for their respective ministries. It
became evident to Dr. Canniff that what mattered more than anything else was that lives would be saved and transformed by
the power of God.
1994, after a “God encounter” at a Benny Hinn Crusade, an audience with the late Pope
John ll and the late Mother Theresa in 1995, Dr. Shirley Canniff in prayer had asked the Lord about the call that
He had placed upon her life. He said, in a still small voice that she was to pursue and receive
biblical training in places where there was to be a mighty outpouring of His Holy Spirit.
Seven years after the God encounter of 1994 and 1995
and as a result of 30 days of intensive ministry at the Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship Leader's School
of Ministry in Canada in 2001, something radical began to take shape in Dr. Shirley Canniff’s heart. She received
a revelation of the Father's love for her and her inheritance as a daughter of the Most High God. This drastically changed the way in which Dr. Shirley Canniff was to worship Him and furthermore
enable her to come into the fullness of her destiny
in this life.
February 14th, 2003 on St. Valentines Day, Dr. Shirley M. Canniff married the man that God had hand picked for
her later in life. A man after God’s own heart, a friend and lover of Jesus, Dr. Jeffrey B. Canniff, formerly of Quincy, Massachusetts.
Dr.'s Jeffrey and Shirley Canniff became radical and passionate lovers
of God after an intense God encounter with
the Holy Spirit in 2002 during their
courtship at a conference prior to their marriage in 2003 at the Toronto Airport Christian
Both Shirley and Jeffrey began their
studies together and after their marriage, they both received extensive and intensive training in Biblical
Studies, Ministerial Development, and Theophostic Ministry.
Having both received
their Certificates of Theophostic Ministry, diplomas of Evangelical Ministry from World Evangelical Bible Institute
of Lowell, Massachusetts, as well as a Bachelor's of Ministry; Master's of Ministry and Doctorate's of Divinity from
the" Spirit of Truth Bible Institute" in Richmond, Virginia, the Canniffs were ready to plunge into deeper depths of God's river of mercy as they endeavored to prepare leaders from
inter-denominational ministries who have a deep hunger and thirst for unity and righteousness that can only
be received from our Father in Heaven.
order to prepare a people who have been destined to become radical lovers of God in the "Great
Harvest of Souls" through their school of multimedia ministry, the Canniffs have been blessed by God with a curriculum
that is life transforming. The online school known as, “Seek International Leadership
School of Christian Multi-Media Ministry” is what it says. They prepare one person at a time to become an effective leader in the power of the Holy Spirit through a Four-Phase
process of ministerial development: (1) Ministry into the breaking and setting free of inter-generational sins and curses of our ancestors, leading to greater healing, reconciliation, forgiveness and restoration;
(2) healing and deliverance of ungodly beliefs; (3) soul/spirit hurts, and (4)
deliverance of demonic oppression while preparing for a ministry in multimedia.
Christian Teaching & Worship Center," currently an
on-line Christian fellowship without walls, is the
fellowship that supports the Canniff’s mission and vision of the School
of Multi-Media Ministry. It is the Canniffs hope that
the leaders who are destined to graduate from their School of Multi-Media Ministry utilize
their gifts and talents in order to promote TEAM EVANGELISM through the efforts of Christian
radio, Internet television, as well as cable television, web development, and conference planning, in all of the ministerial outreaches that are part of Seek, Inc.
Christian Outreach Ministries including those ministries that network with Seek.
Copyrighted © 2006 by Dr. Shirley Canniff, M.Ed./Div and Seek
Christian Teaching & Worship Center, Inc.